Sunday, November 14, 2010

12 Signs You Might Need a Hearing Aid

Hearing loss is not an easy thing to deal with for anyone. Never is it something that anyone wants, and it can come in many different forms-slowly, progressively, or all at once. However, it is important for anyone and everyone to know-if you suspect that hearing difficulties are setting in for you, then there really are ways around it. There is no need to worry about your quality of life suffering-it may change a little bit, but it won't suffer.

Some hints on how to determine if you are suffering through a hearing loss follow...

1. There is a history in your family of hearing loss.

2. Have a harder and harder time to carry on a conversation with two people or more.

3. Have a hard time hearing things that are said in loud areas, especially crowded ones.

4. Become stressed out when you are not able to hear what others are saying even though you are trying and trying.

5. You are convinced that the people around you are mumbling, but no one else seems to thinks that that is the problem.

6. Have ringing in your ears.

7. You have other medical issues such as thyroid problems, diabetes, circulation or heart disease.

8. You consistently read lips to know what others are saying in addition to listening to them.

9. Become irritated with others because you can't hear them.

10. Your radio or television is cranked up excessively loud so that you can hear it-and others make statements about it to you.

11. For a long time, possibly even years, you have been left out in the open and exposed to lots of loud sounds.

12. Avoiding new people, and going out to be in new social situations is something you try to avoid at all costs; to you it is thoroughly discomforting and upsetting, because you truly have a hard time hearing them and it is so embarrassing.

Now, after having read this list, if you even think that you might have some sort of hearing loss at all, put in a phone call to your doctor, and make an appointment to see him or her. Once having seen them, they may very well send you to a specialist called an audiologist, who in turn will be the one to determine whether or not you have significant enough hearing loss. If you do, the audiologist will give you options-hearing aids, surgery, or whatever the options may be depending on the severity of the case.

Once having gone through the analysis and evaluation that only the audiologist can provide you with, then the options previously mentioned will be gone through and evaluated. Should the audiologist determine that surgery will not serve you well, and then don't worry about it. Look around at the choices available to you for hearing aids. There are plenty of choices available, and because there are so many options in sizes, styles and more for hearing aids, you will have access to many styles. There is always one hearing aid that will work right just for you.
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